Hey, I'm Joshua
Hey, I'm Joshua
I'm a Interaction Designer based in Aalen, Germany
and currently I am studying @hfg-gmuend
I'm a Interaction Designer based in Germany and currently I am studying
As a Interaction Designer my main skills lie in UI/UX but I'm also capable of doing some Front End Development.
Sketch is my favorite tool when it comes to doing quick prototypes, wireframes and finished products. I'm also familiar with Adobe XD and Figma, if required.
Principle is used to make quick animations of your prototype and I use it for projects that aren't as complex and don't require advanced methods like masks or blurs.
When Principle isn't enough to achieve my goal, I turn to Framer X, which let's you create components using React, allowing you to adjust every single detail.
Keyshot is used to create photo-realistic renders of nearly everything. Personally I use it to render devices for fancy mockups or to use them in a video.
From Photoshop, Premiere and Illustrator to After Effects, the Adobe Suite is always involved in one way or the other to create icons, compositioning, editing and so on.
Last but not least, HTML/CSS and Javascript are used in some projects. For Javascript I have experience working with jQuery and some other, smaller, libraries.
But wait, there is more!
Other tools, that I don't use that often but I'm confident with include Cinema4D, Microsoft Office and Apple iWork, Autodesk Inventor, InDesign and also shooting pictures/video for projects if required.
About Me
I grew up in the south of Germany and have been living in Aalen for the past two years now. My parents both work in a creative field, so I have been surrounded by design since my childhood - which lead me to where I am today.
For me personally, UI/UX Design is the most fun area to work in since it can be a real challenge figuring out the easiest way to break down complex mechanics into a intuitive UI while keeping UX in mind - that requires a lot of empathy.
And according to my friends I'm a pretty empathic guy?...